понедельник, 17 февраля 2014 г.

Dan Brown's fascinating books

Dan Browns' fascinating books 

Dan Brown is the author of  numerous  bestselling novels,which have brought him fame and glory .In 2005 ,he was named one of the 100 most influental  people in the world by Time Magazine ''FAST, CLEVER, WELL-INFORMED…DAN BROWN IS THE MASTER OF THE INTELLECTUAL CLIFFHANGER.

I was interested in his works at first when I was 9 and my father and mother were reading his books all day long.After one year I took The Da Vinci Code  and I didn't understand anything.At the age of 13 I started my reading of  the same book,I fell in love with it.I finished The Da Vinci Code in one day   and during 3 years rereaded it for 2 times .For me  Dan Brown is the cleverest person,ofcourse his work is a fiction,but I was really shocked how he totally absorbed in christian religion,secrets of masterpieces,art,history,etc.I was living with his characters,while i was reading.After the book i watched the film.It was really very impressive,but the book was better anyway.I discovered a new world for me and excited how many secrets every historical memorial had.The secrets about Mary Magdalene, 12 disciples and The Last Supper  were a revelation in history,science and art .

During my winter holidays I read another book of Dan Brown ,THE LOST SYMBOL,whick made a high impression on me .It was about Mason religion,great science discoveries,interesting and intensive events ,dangerous adventures and ofcourse the main concept of the book ,the lost symbol,that professor Robert Langdon tried to guess for savingthe world from not illuminated people.This book gave me many knowledges about the great masons,their ideology and symbols.With the help of this book I learned so many things ,that would never know from other information resourses.Now I want to read ANGELS AND DEMONS and INFERNO,which is the bestsleller book of 2013 in the world.

1 комментарий:

  1. "The Da Vinci Code" is one of my favorite books and I wish we had more time to expand on this topic. I read and also found it very captivating. "The Lost Symbol" is new to me as a book but I have read other books about masons and masonic rituals and symbols, although you already intrigued me with this book based on the description you posted above.What do you think about masonic symbolism in general? why do you think they are so many and so expressive in their way, and do you recognize them is you see them? or where do you usually see these symbols?
    I don't want to put a pressure you with my questions but it would be interesting to know what you think.
