воскресенье, 23 февраля 2014 г.

Armenian educational system

    Armenian Educational system 

Today if  a parent wants his child to be educated ,he looks for a really good school,beacuse from the school system starts his childs' future life.In armenian schools  teachers don't care about their pupils knowledges generally if they aren't given bribes,presents by parents ,or children must take private classes with their teachers to get good marks.Why the situation is like this ?And what about  big amounts of money,that parents pay  for private classes for entering their children to university.In our country it is almost unreal to enter university without taking private classes.Our minister of education says ,that High School is a place,where children prepare with school teachers to enter university with good marks,but do you want to know the reality ?Nowadays pupils  go  high school regularly only  the first year.The second  year parents pay money to head master of a school,to look after their child well and to put him good marks when he will graduate.During these two years in high  school children go to private classes and  enter the university.I hate this system which is very widely spread in my country.I don't study at high school,i study in Professional French College in Armenia (LPFA) .After graduating I'll have two diploms,one french ,one armenian.I'll  be a specialist in 17 and I'm going to enter either AUA or French University ( I haven't decided yet ) ,but I'm sure I have made a true decision,i haven't lost that 3 years without a  sense .

понедельник, 17 февраля 2014 г.

Dan Brown's fascinating books

Dan Browns' fascinating books 

Dan Brown is the author of  numerous  bestselling novels,which have brought him fame and glory .In 2005 ,he was named one of the 100 most influental  people in the world by Time Magazine ''FAST, CLEVER, WELL-INFORMED…DAN BROWN IS THE MASTER OF THE INTELLECTUAL CLIFFHANGER.

I was interested in his works at first when I was 9 and my father and mother were reading his books all day long.After one year I took The Da Vinci Code  and I didn't understand anything.At the age of 13 I started my reading of  the same book,I fell in love with it.I finished The Da Vinci Code in one day   and during 3 years rereaded it for 2 times .For me  Dan Brown is the cleverest person,ofcourse his work is a fiction,but I was really shocked how he totally absorbed in christian religion,secrets of masterpieces,art,history,etc.I was living with his characters,while i was reading.After the book i watched the film.It was really very impressive,but the book was better anyway.I discovered a new world for me and excited how many secrets every historical memorial had.The secrets about Mary Magdalene, 12 disciples and The Last Supper  were a revelation in history,science and art .

During my winter holidays I read another book of Dan Brown ,THE LOST SYMBOL,whick made a high impression on me .It was about Mason religion,great science discoveries,interesting and intensive events ,dangerous adventures and ofcourse the main concept of the book ,the lost symbol,that professor Robert Langdon tried to guess for savingthe world from not illuminated people.This book gave me many knowledges about the great masons,their ideology and symbols.With the help of this book I learned so many things ,that would never know from other information resourses.Now I want to read ANGELS AND DEMONS and INFERNO,which is the bestsleller book of 2013 in the world.

воскресенье, 9 февраля 2014 г.

Corruption in Armenia


Corruption is everywhere,but in different amounts.People fight against the corruption,government admits law to control corruption in  country.In Armeneia our government tries to manage the mess in different companies,schools,universities,but if our ministers,people who represent our law,commonwealth,country take bribes which they call gifts,how can a simple citizen to be a legal and not to break the law.
So I  think that corruption is everywhere in our country.First purpose for me are low wages in Armenia.If a man is setisfited  with his salary,
he knows that for his work he will get  sufficient money ,he will never take a bribe.For example teachers in Armenia get very low salary,
and half of money,like taxes they pay to the government,so life makes them to take gifts(bribes).
The second purpose for me are temperament of our nation ,which nobody can change.
We can't be as legal as europeans ,when our parlament wants to accept new law against the corruption,
people must have knowledge to be honest before taking bribes
.In case if I were a boss of some country or a minister I'll give a job to my friends( no relatives,because I hate them),but I'll help them if they understand from that profession and not just like our genereal  financial peacemaker who gives jobs to his relatives,which graduated from Bryusov Lingustic university,instead of having lawyer education.So I'll try to help them in condition that they work in their proffesion.

воскресенье, 2 февраля 2014 г.

Advertisement and business


 I think  that  advertisement has a big  influence on people's mind,and businessmen's marketing department knows how to attract costumers.If a company has a good advertisement ,they will have a growth of sales.Businessmen  make advertisments for their business promotion and they expect good result,but sometimes there are adverts ,which are really very  boring and unmeaning for me .Specialists must know what kind of advert to make,which will be interesting for viewers .Anyway I think ,that  advertisement helps all to be informed and promotes someone's business.People like  colourfull  adverts and impressive speech will interest them.So I am agree that advertisement is a good  work .Sometimes thera are so  stupid adverts that damage company's work.For example  when i see some advert that is very folly for me ,first thing that come to my mind ,that  it is  very unserious company and the quality isn't so good. And what can I say about Armenia's advertisements? For me they aren't good.That branch of business  isn't so  envolved  yet  and we are  developing  country.It is poor for me.I mostly like car advertsiments and I don't even watch our adverts.I hate our TV commercials,because they are too long,especially when I'm watching some program ,it annoys me when some commercial interrupts it.I  get angree when I recieve some phone calls from companies,which want to advertise their service or good.I like when i recieve message from some shops about new collection or sales,but other adverts  are annoying.