воскресенье, 9 марта 2014 г.

Authentic self expression

 Authentic self expression

I find this video really interesting and useful for everyone.This is  a video of  21 centuries people,who do everything  to show off their personalities,especially in social websites.Presenter Sarah Hernholm  gives very informative  and the most important ,very real talks.She is talking about authentic self expression,about humans who most care about their real  personality and not about who they want to show  others.People don't express their feelings,opinions,the way of thinking,they just want to have an impression on others how  clever and educated they are .I mostly like  7 points which our presenter mentioned in her speech. They are ...
  •   Turn off the noise 
  • Set boundaries 
  • Not my story 
  • Lighten up
  • It's a choice 
  • Commas vs periods
  • Express not impress
I made a conclusion for myself that I mustn't  make an effort to make an impression on anybody,I  should express my authentic self expression.I found a lot of truth in her words that people share with their friends to show them their photo, to show off their money,house,nice  look or they share some video to mention that they have already listened that artists new song .For me we must do what we really like,may be our favorite  song would be old fashioned,but it is our,it is in our heart,it is the expression of our mood,personality,taste...
If we express,not impress the result would be better,because we will be original,we won't be copy pasted from other person,we won't be the ordinary   representer of our society,we  would be something new,interesting and we would be who we are ..... 

воскресенье, 2 марта 2014 г.

   Luxury or necessity 

I have my subjective opinion about this question.I think yes ,where is some kind of barrier between  luxury and necessity.Ordinary human has some needs and desires ,that have steps.At first person wants to be  physically and socially satisfied.If a person doesn't earn much money ,how he can think about luxuries ? Nowadays people in countries like Armenia think how to feed themselves.In the case that person has this first step of being  dressed and satiate he willthink about luxuries.I think it is also  a salary matter.For example if someone has small wage,he will decide how to save money and buy  cheaper goods,but when  someone has a good salary,apartment ,he will think about eating bioproducts,wearing expensive and well-known brands clothes.When the first step is absolutely  completed a person will suppose of how to make an impression on people.For example some person is a general director of some company,he doesn't even need of  luxury car,but he buys it to show that he has money,he works  for expensive company,when he enters some  cafe and waiters see his car they guess ,that their client is quite wealthy ,so the service must be good.People  start to think about their status in the society,are they respected or not,so luxury is one of the best ways to show that.This is just a simple psychology of humans.